Embark on an extraordinary adventure with a Toby Bear Adoption! This unique opportunity allows you to contribute to the TSF mission and support our young writers. By adopting a Toby Bear, you'll receive a passport that unlocks a world of adventures and possibilities! These intrepid bears thrive on exploration and long to accompany you on journeys close to home or far and away. We encourage you to take your Toby Bear to fun or fascinating or even comforting destination and capture moments of beary good times to share with us. We would love to chronicle each and every Toby Bear trip on our website. Beyond the photos, we invite families to craft a 1–2-page story detailing your Toby Bear's travels, as storytelling lies at the heart of who we are. Submissions will be entered into a contest and an annual winner will receive a personally autographed book from each of our esteemed authors. Thank you for supporting Tobin Scott Foundation. A place where every story matters.
Adopt A Toby Bear
Introducing the adorable Adopt A Toby Bear from Aurora's Bonny Bear collection! Standing at 10 inches tall, this classic teddy bear is the perfect choice for anyone looking for that timeless teddy bear look. Made with high-quality materials, the Toby Bear boasts a soft and fluffy touch that's perfect for cuddling. With lock-washer eyes and double-bagged filling, this bear is not only safe for all ages but also ensures long-term enjoyment. Whether you're looking for a gift for a loved one or a new companion for yourself, the Adopt A Toby Bear is the perfect choice. Adopt your very own Toby Bear today!